Sentence Reordering , Jumbled Sentences Practice Exercise for Class 9,10, 11,12

 Sentence Reordering 

Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful sentences.

  1. join school/decided to/ at the / ten/ she/ age of
  2. worried/ to work / about / his ability / not / Pream/ was
  3. confused teenager / not / a grown up/ was / woman and / I
  4. street/that/ they are/for days/ have not/ residents/been/ cleaned/  a health/ complained/crises as/ facing
  5. convened /along with/had/ the mayor/  a meeting /agitating employees/the / with/ commissioner
  6. boys/gone / have/to/match/ a see
  7. a /treadmill/ used/ you/ listen/while/ you can / music
  8. always/women /change/of/ society/in/ any/has/ the patriarchal /stereotyped/to/style /avoid/life
  9. listening/felt/song/to/ after/song/audience/very/ the / child's/  happy
  10. her/ celebrated/ daughter/last/birthday/ month/my
  11. discussed / a meeting /of / and / measures  / residents /  the police / security/ yesterday / the / senior officer /held /with /a / area  / of the
  12. a / three/ man /  Punjab/ decided / months/ to /Canada/ young/ go/ to /ago /from 
  13. out / in / Tuesday/ factory /  fire/ chemical / morning / broke / on/ a
  14. Young / his / a / brave / life  / down / policeman / chasing / a / laid / while / robber 
  15. attacked / a / him / armed  / officer / an / when / robber / bank / injured / retired / was 
  16. dozen / entered / last / men / a / night / armed / house /a 
  17. educational / and / the / which / in  / has / learn / access / transformed / growth / technology / use/ the / of / for / way / people / education 
  18.  shift / now/ one / big / is/ technology/ is the/  the / language- learner / changes / caused/ of  /by / demographic 
  19. good / is/ technical / rare / skills / someone / communication / it / to / find / with / and  
  20.  recipe / and / secret  / another / the art / every / learning / listening / each / of / and / from / interaction / is / and 
  21. harmony / ensures / public / discipline / peace / in / life / and 
  22.  utmost / country / children / their / and / future / nation / citizens / of the / development / priority / are / adequate / is / of / the 
  23. development / is / education / very / part / of / important / a 
  24. control / labour / child / has /  India / Government / the / taken / initiatives / of  / certain / to 
  25. The / parents / view / TV / violence / the /child / with / together / the  / and  / discus / can / children  / with 

Answer : 

  1.  She decided to join school at the age of ten.
  2. Pream was not worried about his ability to work.
  3. I was a grown-up woman and not a confused teenager.
  4. Residents complained that they are facing a health crisis as streets have not been cleaned for days.
  5. The mayor along with the commissioner had convened a meeting with agitating employees. 
  6. Boys have  gone to see a match.
  7. you can use a treadmill while you listen music.
  8. Society has always stereotyped women to avoid any change in the patriarchal style of life. 
  9. The audience felt very happy after listening to the child's song.
  10. Last month my daughter celebrated her birthday.
  11. Yesterday a senior officer of the police held a meeting with the residents of the area and discussed  security measures. 
  12. Three months ago a young man from Punjab decided to go to Canada.
  13. Fire broke out in a chemical factory on Tuesday morning.
  14. A brave young policeman laid down his life while chasing a robber.
  15. A retired bank officer was injured when an armed robber attacked him. 
  16. Last night a dozen men entered a house.
  17. The growth of technology for educational use has transformed the way in which people learn and access education. 
  18. One of the big changes caused by technology is the demographic shift of language learners now.
  19. It is rare to find someone with good technical and communication skills.
  20. The art of listening and learning from each and every interactions another secret recipe.
  21. Discipline in public life ensures peace and  harmony. 
  22. Children are future citizens of the nation and their adequate development is utmost priority of the country. 
  23. Education is a very important part of development. 
  24. The Government of India has taken certain initiatives to control child labour. 
  25. Parents can view TV together with the children and discus the violence with the child.
