Change these sentences from active to passive voice .

  1. Geeta sold the house.
  2. She caught the rabbit.
  3. Mother packed the lunch.
  4. My friend is constructing a new house.
  5. Reema is washing clothes.
  6. Latit broke the cup.
  7. Grandmother embroidered a dress.
  8. They compelled Raman to leave the house.
  9. Rohit gifted a purse to me.
  10. Ms Madhu teaches us Hindi.
  11. Priya has drown this cartoon for me.
  12. Students compelled the teacher to attend the function.
  13. Rahul gave him a novel.
  14. Geeta stole his book.
  15. All the boys painted the pictures.
  16. They laughed at the man.
  17. Mother bakes a cake every sunday.
  18. Galileo invented the telescope.
  19. The visitors brought bouquets.
  20. Students  are reading books in the class.  
  1. The house was sold by Geeta.
  2. The rabbit was caught by her.
  3. The lunch was packed by mother.
  4. A new house is constructed by my friend.
  5. Clothes are being  washed by Reema.
  6. The cup was broken by Lalit.
  7. A dress was embroidered by Grandmother.
  8. Raman was compelled by them to leave the house.
  9. A purse was gifted by Rohit to me.
  10. Hindi is taught us by Ms Madhu.
  11. This cartoon has been drown to me by Priya.
  12. The teacher was compelled by students to attend  the function.
  13. He was being given a novel by Rahul.
  14. This book was stolen by  Geeta.
  15. The pictures were painted by All the boys.
  16. The man was laughed at by them.
  17. A cake is baked by mother every sunday.
  18. Telescope was invented by Galileo.
  19. Bouquets were brought by the visitors.
  20. Books are being read by students 
