Tense (Simple Present tense ) worksheet for all students


 (Simple Present Tense)

How to form the simple present tense

  • With first person , second person, and third person plural subjects ( I , we, you, they, and all other plural subjects) we use original form of the verb .
Example : I jump , They go , We teach, Girls dance.
  • With third person singular subjects ( he, she, it, all other singular subjects), we add -s (es) to the first or root of the verb.
Example: She cooks, Ram prays, She teaches, Meera Jumps, My mother sings

Where to use the simple present tense.

  • to expresses actions done as a matter of habit, or actions done repeatedly .

  1. My mother goes to temple daily.
  2. My grand mother takes rest in the afternoon.
  3. I go to school daily.
  4. Deer runs fast.
  5. We go to park on Sunday.

  • The things that are always true.

  1. The sun rises in the east.
  2. Oil floats on water.
  3. Plants give us oxygen.
  4. The earth revolves around the sun.
  5. Stars shine at night.

  • For things that stay for a long time.

  1. My father works in a bank.
  2. My grandfather lives in Delhi.
  3. My teachers like me.

Fill in the blanks  correct form of the verbs Given in the brackets.

  1. This servant ........... his work sincerely.(do)
  2. Students .......... lessons everyday. (learn)
  3. She ........ these answers in these questions. (know)
  4. Sometimes she ....... very silly mistakes. (make)
  5. Taj Express ............. .......... Agra early in the morning. (reach)
  6. Some bikers ........... very dangerously. (ride)
  7. She ................ her lessons very fast.(remember)
  8. Students always ........... a noise when teacher away.( make)
  9. Students .............their uniform when they ........... to school. (wear, go)
  10. She ........ western music.  (like)
  11. The hare ......... fast.(run)
  12. My friends ........ cricket every Sunday. (play)
  13. Riya usually .......... at 6 o'clock. (get up)
  14. Oil ............. on water. (float)
  15. My mother ............ in a school. (work)
  16. I ............. exercise regularly. (take)
  17. Boys ........... kites on windy days. (fly)
  18. She generally ............. her books with her friends. (share)
  19. In the examination , We ............ our answers carefully. (write)
  20. Lata often ........... on the stage. (sing)
  21. We ....... our homework in the evening.(do)
  22. Stars ......... at night. (shine)
  23. The baby ........... cartoons. (like)
  24. The poor man .......... toys.(sell)
  25. A cobbler ..........our shoes. (mend)
  26. Rohan always ............ his friends in the evening (call)
  27. John ............. food for everyone . (cook)
  28. They usually ............. early to school. (come)
  29. A tailor ........... our clothes. (stitch)
  30. Mita ......... books whenever she travels (buy)

Answer:-  1.does   2.learn   3.knows   4.makes   5.reaches   6. ride   7.remember   8.make   9. wear, go   10.likes   11.runs   12.play   13.gets up   14.floats   15.works   16.take   17.fly   18.shares   19.write   20.sings   21.do   22.shine   23.likes   24.sells   25.mends   26.calls   27.cooks  28.come   29.stitches  30.buys

