In a sentence, the person or thing that performs the action is called the subject, and the action word is called verb. The main verb in a sentence must always agree with its subject in number and person, whether the subject is a noun or pronoun. This is known as subject-verb agreement

Tick the correct verb in each sentence.

1.    The man ( trim/ trims) the tree in the garden.

2.    The mother dog (licks/lick) her puppies.

3.    My grandmother (places/ place) several coins in my hand.

4.    Acorns (grow/grows) on oak trees.

5.    When will teachers (take/takes) class.

6.    Tourists (love/loves) to watch the lions.

7.    The boys (have/has) done his project.

8.    At noon, the bright sun (glistens/ glisten) on this river.

9.    Every year, my parents (encourages/ encourage) me to spend my        holiday in village.

10.    The roses in my garden (bloom/blooms) before December.

11.    The tourists (listen/listens) carefully to the man.

12.    Lata's new pair of sunglasses (is/are) missing.

13.    He and I (is/are) working on school drama.

14.    Either mother or father (is /are) telling the film story.

15.    Neither Rohit nor his teachers (know/knows) the solve this                 riddle.

16.    Where (are/is ) my jeans.

17.    A pair of scissors (is/are) needed for my work.

18.    Where (are/is) my shoes.

19.    Reena or Tanvi (is/are) coming to visit us.

20.    Geeta and I (is/are) listening songs.

21.    Reema or Sita (is/are) preparing to make dinner.

22.    My brother or my cousins (are/is) going to playground.

23.    Neither Seema nor her sisters (have/has) big clock.

24.    My pair of jeans(fit/fits) well.

25.    Sheela and Malti (like/likes) to bake their own cake at home.

26.    Neither Sushan nor Sham (knows/know) how to make cake.

27.    Where (are/is) the tweezers?

28.    My mother new pair of glasses (is/are ) missing.

29.    Riya and Sona (are/is )sisters.

30    They (were/was) in a park.


1. trims  2. licks  3. places  4. grow  5. take  6. love  7. have  8. glistens  9. encourage  10.  bloom  11. listen  12. is  13. are  14. is  15. knows  16. are  17. is  18. are  19. is  20. are  21. is  22.are  23. have  24. fits  25. like  27. are.  28. is  29. are  30. were   
