Grammatical errors come in many forms and we can easily confuse.There are many types of errors which makes us confuse. some common errors are with prepositions ,subject verb agreement,tense, punctuation , spelling and other parts of speech. I try to cover all types of examples  of sentences in my practice exercises which is useful the students to prepare the exams.


  1. The teacher complained for the  naughty students to their parents. 
  2. She likes fruits and vegetables.  
  3. She must continue her study.   
  4. My music  class is composed from sixty girls.
  5.  Teacher has great confidence in his students
  6. Principal congratulated the students for their success. 
  7. The sceneries of Shimla are very beautiful.  
  8. The peoples of my village are hard working. 
  9. My book has full of informations. 
  10. The cattles are grazing.  
  11. She is pass in Hindi. 
  12. The master will take us  a test tomorrow.  
  13. What make you laugh. .
  14. Two and Two makes four .
  15. My mother  is suffering from fever since Monday.
  16. The glass bowl is covered by lid. 
  17. Mother is cared from her son's illness. 
  18. The weather temperature depends from the Sun's rays .   
  19. Many people have died from Corona virus.  
  20. My dress is different for your dress.
  21. Parents were disappointed from the bad behavior of their children. 
  22.  Grand Mother divided her wealth in four  equal parts.  
  23. Every one should dress with neat and clean dress.  
  24. The vessel is full in water. 
  25. Stop to run. 

  1. The teacher complained about the naughty students to their parents.
  2. She likes fruit and vegetables.
  3. She must continue her studies.
  4. My music class is composed of sixty girls.
  5.  Teacher has great confidence for his students. 
  6. Principal congratulated the students on their success.
  7. The scenery of Shimla is very beautiful.
  8. The people of my village are hard working.
  9. The book has full of information.
  10. The cattle are grazing.
  11. She passes in Hindi.
  12. The master will give us a test tomorrow. 
  13.  What makes you laugh
  14. Two and two make four.
  15.  My mother has been  suffering for fever since Monday.
  16. The glass bowl is covered with lid.
  17. Mother is cared of her son's illness.
  18. The weather temperature depends upon from the Sun's rays.
  19. Many people have died of Corona virus.
  20.  My dress is different from your dress.
  21. Parents were disappointed by the bad behavior of their children.
  22. Grandmother divided her wealth into four equal parts .
  23. Every one should dress in neat and clean dress.
  24. The vessel is full of water.
  25. Stop to running.
