An a abstract noun is the name of some state , quality, feeling ,thoughts, or idea that we can only think of or feel but cannot touch or see. Example are Beauty , Bravery , Kindness , Joy, Happiness , Pleasure, Pain , Courage, Freedom, Friendship , Equality etc.

Pick out the abstract nouns in the following sentences:

  1. Rekha is famous for her beauty.
  2. I loved truth.
  3. Our children have shown good progress.
  4. The price of this pen is very high.
  5. She found his  advice very useful.
  6. They lost their mother in their childhood.
  7. The man could say something without fear.
  8. Mrs.Gupta is a lady of great courage.
  9. Everyone gain knowledge from books.
  10. I respect the honesty my friend showed.
  11. Can you believe that woman's brilliance.
  12. To my delight , everyone arrived on time.
  13. She was in great despair when she lost her phone.
  14. We have a lot of hope for the future.
  15. My friend showed me a lot of loyalty.
  16. I have great pride in you work.
  17. In India , we have freedom of speech.
  18.  Gold is a precious metal.
  19. Our army showed great courage.
  20. Your good result has given me great pleasure.


  1. beauty  2.Truth  3.progress  4.high  5.useful  6.childhood  7.fear  8.courage  9.knowledge  10. honesty  11.brilliance   12.delight  13.great   14.hope  15.loyalty  16.pride  17.freedom  18.precious  19.courage  20.pleasure.

Fill in the blanks with abstract nouns  Take words from the list given below.

1.darkness  2.weight  3.excitement  4.sweetness  5..highest  6.punctuality  7.knowledge  8.duty  9.crime  10 boredom  11.laughter  12.excitement  13.poverty  14.happiness  15. misery   16. need 17.hope  18.stress  19.truth 20.friendship  21.marriage  22.pleasure

  1. When people are happy , they are full of ...............
  2. When somebody is really nasty, that person must be full of ..........
  3. Something scary happens. I feel the ....... 
  4. When people are honest with me . I feel happy that the  ......... is being told.
  5. When I am bored of studying. I feel my brain.
  6. When I am sad about something. I feel ......... in my heart.
  7. When it's Friday, the whole class feels the ................!
  8. When a friend does something to help us , we know that there is .................
  9. My son good result has  given me great .............
  10. He jumped into water from a .........  of ten metres.
  11. ............... is a curse. 
  12. We get useful ........... from books.
  13. Class students burst into .............  at Rena's funny joke.The child was afraid of ........... 
  14. He had no ......... of getting well soon.
  15. She could not attend her cousin's ......... 
  16. Find the  ......... of this bag of sugar.
  17. The student was given a prize for his .............. 
  18. The ....... of her voice impressed everyday.
  19. It is my ....... to obey my parents.
  20. I am sorry for the ...........  I have given you.
  21. A friend in ...... is a friend indeed.


 1.happiness  2. misery  3.excitement  4.truth  5.boredom  6.stress  7.excitement  8.friendship  9.pleasure  10.highest  11.poverty  12.knowledge  13.laughter  14.darkness  15. hope  16.marriage  17.weight  18.punctuality  19.sweetness 20.duty  21.need  22.crime

Against each word on the left , write the corresponding abstract noun.

  1.  Brave             
  2. Wise
  3. Kind
  4. Beautiful
  5. Please
  6. Honest
  7. True
  8. Good
  9. Bitter
  10. Clear
  11. Free     
  12. human  
  13. Sweet   
  14. Good   
  15. Vacant  
  16.  Dark  
  17. Bitter   
  18. Cruel   
  19. Humble   
  20. Young    
  21. Wide    
  22. Long   
  23. Strong   
  24. Decent  
  25. laugh  


1. Bravery 2.Wisdom  3.Kindness  4.Beauty   5.Pleasure  6.Honesty  7.Truth  8.Goodness  9.Bitterness  10.clarity  11.Freedom   12.Humanity  13. Sweetness  14.Goodness  15.
Vacancy  16. Darkness  17.Bitterness  18.Cruelty  19.Humility  20.Youth  21. Width  22.Length   23.Strength   24 Decency  25.laughter
