Grammatical errors come in many forms and we can easily confuse.There are many types of errors which makes us confuse. some common errors are with prepositions ,subject verb agreement,tense, punctuation , spelling and other parts of speech. I try to cover all types of examples  of sentences in my practice exercises which is useful the students to prepare the exams.


  1. Radha has no any book.  
  2. Anyone cannot do this work.   
  3. I am much fine today.    
  4. Father has not some money.      
  5. Rajat is my older son.       
  6. She want to add little sugar for her coffee.     
  7. Only few girls were present.   
  8. Many a animals were killed.       
  9. Our school team is more stronger than your school team.    
  10. Ram is most biggest fool.     
  11. Amit is wiser than richer.       
  12. Mr. Sharma is senior than Mrs Renu by five years.  
  13. This book is superior than that .       
  14. He prefer writing than reading .  
  15. My all boys are happy today.      
  16. These all tomatoes are red.    
  17. His both sisters are doctors.     
  18. The five first articals  of Hindi  newspaper  is very interesting.    
  19. What is the fresh news?   
  20. He will leave by the latest  flight. 


  1.  Radha has no book.
  2. No one can do this work.
  3.  I am very fine today.
  4. Father has no money.
  5. Rajat is my elder son.
  6.  She want to add a little sugar for her coffee.
  7.  Only a few girls were present.
  8. Many a animal was killed.
  9. Our school team is stronger than your school team.
  10. Ram is the biggest fool.
  11. Amit is more wise than rich.
  12.  Mr. Sharma is senior to me by five years.
  13. This book is superior  to that
  14.  He prefer writing to reading.
  15. All my boys are happy today.
  16.  All these tomatoes are red.
  17. Both his sisters are doctors.
  18.  The first five articals of Hindi newspaper  is very interesting.
  19.  What is the latest news?
  20. He will leave by the last flight.
