Change these sentences from active to passive voice 

  1. Girls are flying kites.
  2. The police man is watching us.
  3. The woodcutter is cutting down the trees.
  4. My friends are waiting for the bus.
  5. The man was carrying the luggage .
  6. Why were the beating the men?
  7. Students were doing good work.
  8. Sanjay was buying a new table.
  9. A young boy was picking flowers.
  10. Some doctors were attending the patients.
  11. Were they worshiping the god?
  12. Where were they playing the football match.
  13. Am I disturbing you?
  14. Somebody stole my book.
  15. Who makes these Projects?
  16. A nurse look after this old woman.
  17. When did you complete the lesson?
  18. Geeta teased her dog.
  19. My maid obey me.
  20. Do you need a new uniform?


  1. Kites are being flown by girls.
  2. We are being watched by the policeman.
  3. The trees are being cut down by the woodcutter.
  4. The bus is being waited by my friends.
  5. The luggage was being carried by the man.
  6. Why were the men being beaten ?
  7. Good work was being done by students.
  8. A new table was being bought by Sanjay.
  9. Flowers were being picked by the young man.
  10. The patients were being attended by the doctor.
  11. Was  the god being worshiped by them.
  12. Where was the football match being played by them.
  13. Are you disturbed by me
  14. My book was stolen.     ( we have not used somebody )
  15. By whom are these project made?
  16. This old woman is looked after by a nurse. 
  17. When was the lesson completed by you?
  18. Her dog was teased by Geeta 
  19. I am obeyed by my maid.
  20. Is a new uniform needed by you?
