Change these sentences from active to passive voice .

  1. I decorated the room during festivals 
  2. Do they wish their teacher on her birthday?
  3. Who sings sweets songs?
  4. Why was they plucking these roses?
  5. The students is giving a new project.
  6. Are you preparing dal for lunch?
  7. Why is she hitting the cow?
  8. The man  is explaining the new rules to the boys.
  9. Teacher  is checking in the notebooks.
  10. Mohit has written many stories in the past.
  11. Who has broken the window?
  12. The bus has hit an old lady.
  13. The officer has appointed him .
  14. Has she told him the real facts?
  15. The gardener has pruned the bushes.
  16. The man flew the helicopter at a great height.
  17. Did Mohit post the parcel?
  18. Who created confusion in this  class?
  19. My brother has been taken this photograph.
  20. My brother has taken this photograph.

  1. The room was decorated by me during festival.
  2. Is  their teacher wished by them  on her birthday?
  3. By whom sweets songs are sung?
  4. Why are being these rose plucked by them?
  5. The new project is being given by the students.
  6. Is dal being prepared by her for lunch ?
  7. Why is being hit the cow by her?
  8. The new rules being explained by the man to the boys.
  9. The notebooks are being checked in by the teacher.
  10. Many stories has been written by Mohit in the past.
  11. By whom has been broken the window?
  12. An old lady has been hit by the bus.
  13. He has been appointed by the officer.
  14. Have the real facts been told by her?
  15. The bushes has been pruned by the gardener.
  16. The helicopter was flown by the man at a great height.
  17. Was the parcel being posted by Mohit?
  18. By whom was created confusion in this class?
  19. This photograph has been taken by my brother.
  20. The lecture has been attended by all the students.
