1. Meeta shall write many poems.
  2. I will not write two songs.
  3. Will Geeta snatch his novel.
  4. Will she not teach Ankit?
  5. Why will Radha not pay the rent?
  6. What will She eat lunch?
  7. Why will Megha not take the lunch?
  8. When will she throw the pen?
  9. Who will have robbed her?
  10. Will Geeta have snubbed Radhika?
  11. Who will recite this poem?
  12. We should not waste our time.
  13. You may use my mobile.
  14. What should Geeta do now?
  15. When will the master give notes?
  16. The teacher had called my name.
  17. The masons had not built the walls of house.
  18. Where had Ruchi hidden my books?
  19. How had boys solved those riddles?
  20. Whom were you scolding ? 


  1. Many poems will be written by Meeta.
  2. Two songs will not be write  by me.
  3. His novel will be not Geeta.
  4. Will Ankit  not be taught by her?
  5. Why will the rent not be paid by Radha?
  6. What will be eaten by her lunch?
  7. Why will not be taken lunch by Megha?
  8. When will be thrown the  pen by her?
  9. By whom will her have been robbed?
  10. Will Radhika have been snubbed by Geeta?
  11. By whom will be recited this poem?
  12. Our time should be not be wasted by us.
  13. My mobile may be used by you.
  14. What should be done she now?
  15. When will be given notes by the master?
  16. The name had been called by the teacher.
  17. The walls of the house had not been built by the masons.
  18. Where had my books been hidden by Ruchi?
  19. How had those riddles been solved by the boys?
  20. Who was being scolded by you ?
