Change these sentences from active to passive voice .

  1. The lion killed the deer.
  2. My teacher liked my picture.
  3. Ram scored ninety runs.
  4. A loud voice disturbed me.
  5. She did not accept the gift.
  6. My friends welcomed the guests.
  7. Did Yashasvi invite you?
  8. Did you celebrate her grandmother birthday?
  9. When did you send the parcel?
  10. Who won the prize?
  11. We will buy the books.
  12. Will you help my child?
  13. They shall  grow flowers.
  14. He will set up a new factory.
  15. The army will celebrated the victory.
  16. The teacher will not explain all the questions.
  17. Will everyone blame me ?
  18. Will somebody ring the the bell?
  19. Who will do it?
  20. Somebody is knocking at the door.


  1. The deer was killed by the lion.
  2. My picture was liked by my teacher.
  3. Ninety runs was scored by the Ram.
  4. I was disturbed by loud voice.
  5. The gift was not accepted by her.
  6. The guests were welcomed by my friends.
  7. Were you invited by Yashasvi?
  8. Is her grandmother birthday celebrated by you?
  9. When was the parcel sent by you?
  10. By whom was won the prize?
  11. The books will be bought by us.
  12. Will my child be helped by you?
  13. Flowers shall be grown by them.
  14. A new factory shall be setup by me.
  15. The victory will be celebrated by the army.
  16. All the questions will  be not   explained by the teacher.
  17. I will be blamed by everyone.
  18. The bell will be ringed by someone.
  19. By whom will be done it ?
  20. The door is being knocked at.
