1. He is not ................ clever as his brother.
  2. He must be punished .... he gulty.
  3. The train arrived ....... the passengers got in.
  4. He was not punished ........ he was guilty.
  5. He worked hard .......... he might pass the examination.
  6. Give every man thy ear, ........ few thy voice.
  7. I waited for him ...... the clock struck seven.
  8. You will not get the prize ....... you deserve it.
  9. It has been a year ......... I saw him.
  10. He ....... ate pizza ........ momos.
  11. Rohan ........... Raj left the school.
  12. Sheena prefers tea ....... her best friend prefers coffee.
  13. The chef will ........ prepare cake ..... ice-cream.
  14. He is ....... a good dancer ...... good singer but he can recite poems well.
  15. Worked hard ....... .......... you will fail. Samaira is ........ tall ..... Amaira.
  16. I am waiting for the doctor ............ morning.
  17. ........... Roshan .......... Raj are good students.
  18. I ran ........ fast ......... I came first in the race.
  19. I went to the hospital ......... I was not well.
  20. It was raining heavily ...... I had no umbrella.
  21. I jumped and clapped for the team ....... It won the match.
  22. I cleaned the table ........... she made tea for all of us.
Answers 1. as 2, as 3. and 4. though 5. when 6. and 7. till 8. although 9. since 10. not only , but also well as 12. whereas 13. also , and 14 .both, and 15. otherwise , as as 16. sine 17. both  and 18. so ,that 19. as 20. and 21. because 22. and 
