Preposition Rules and Practice Exercise or worksheet


A preposition is a word which shows the relation between a noun or pronoun and some other word in a sentence.

  • In the position in one place.
  • Into and out of show movement from one place to another.
  • Above means at a higher level.
  • Over means vertically above. We use above when there is no movement. 
  • Below and under are the opposites of above and over.
  • Below means at a lower level , and under means vertically below.
  • From , to and for can suggest the beginning, the end and the duration of a period of time.
  • From and to can also suggest directions.
  • Between is used with two things, among with more than two things.
  • beside mean at the side of or near to besides means in addition to.

Tick the correct preposition in each sentence.

  1. Children walked in the garden (among/between) the flowerbeds.
  2. The water flowed (below /under) the bridge.
  3. The dog jumped (over/ above) the wall.
  4. The water (in/on) the jug is hot.
  5. Reema came (out of/into) the river after taking bath.
  6. They went (out/in ) the hut.
  7. The cake is (in/on) the table.
  8. Bhanu has a cap (on/over) his head.
  9. Father has an umbrella (over/ above) his head.
  10. Boy is standing (under/over) the umbrella.
  11. The is the bridge (under/ over) the river.
  12. The woman head is (under/below) the water.
  13. China's body is (below/ under) the water.
  14. After reading it , boy put the book back (in /on ) the bag.
  15. Students did not allow to go (into / in) the library so they came back.
  16. I see blue sky through the skylight (over/above) me.
  17. The plane flew ( above/over) the building.
  18. Are't you too warm (under/ above) the blankets?
  19. She threw the book (into /in) the fire and walked out of the room.
  20. Mother returned (from/to ) the temple  in the evening.
  21. There is a beautiful shell lying (over/on) the mantelpiece.
  22. Meenu is standing (between/ among) Reema and Khushi.
  23. The house is hidden (besides/beside) the buildings.
  24. The biscuits is to be shared (between / among) the students.
  25. Which gown  do i buy ? I cannot decide (between/ among) the red and the black.
  26. (beside/besides) reading, Karuna is interested in travelling.
  27. I have kept drinks (beside/ besides) the candle.
  28. There are few Hindi teachers (among/between) the students
  29. Yashu is sitting (beside/besides) Usha.
  30.  (Besides/ beside) Reema , Geeta also has other friends.


Answer:     1. among   2. under   3. over   4. in   5. out of   6. in   7. on   8. on   9. over   10. under   11.under   12. under   13. below   14. in   15. into   16. above   17. over   18. under   19. into   20. from   21. over   22. between   23. beside   24. among   25. between   26. beside   27. beside   28. among   29. beside   30. besides 
